Bristol Methodist Church
January 26, 2025 (updated 1/25/2025, 9:16 p.m.)
FACEBOOK - BRISTOL METHODIST CHURCH Prayer List (recent additions = bold font:-: rotating off* light font)
American Veterans Hardin, Luke Robertson, Phil
Anderson, Alyson & Drake Holland, Lamar Sanders, Twila
Arnett, Jack Israel Service Men & Women
The Barineau family Jackson, Debbie (unspoken) Sims, Josh
Bowling, Shirley Jackson, Helen Smart, Sonny (family of)
Bristol Methodist Church Jackson, Pastor John (unspoken) Stallworth, David (family of)
California wildfire victims Kelly, Hughie Summers, Chris
Carson, Myrlene Kilpatrick, Greg Summers, Greg & Pam
Chambliss, Buffy (family of) Land, Larry Syfrett, Karl & Vicky
Clark, Ellen Leonard, Heather Syfrett, Otis
Council, Charlie Lollie, Barbara & Truman Syfrett, Wes & Joyce
Crain, Hunter Lynch, Glenda Tolbert, Hattie
Crawford, Ashton Marshall, Marie U.S.A.
Cruz, Daniel McDaniel, Archer Walker, Tom
Cumbie, Amber (family of) McPherson, Angie Walsingham, Brenda & Reed
Curtis, Bill Missionaries Walsingham, Eric
Dean, Harold Rev. Moore, Tammy Watts, Ben
Dykes, Torbin New Orleans terror victims Watts, Brittany & Remi
Enayati-Hunter, Terri Nichols, Willard (family of) Watts, Chuck
Fant, Lois Parrish, Luke Williams, Renee
Flowers, Jeri Parrish, Ricky Whitfield, Olivia (family of)
Foran, Alvin Peddie, Robert Wragg, Austin (family of)
Foust, Wesley Peddie, Casi Wright, Connie
Geiger, Ada Petersen, Bill Rev. (family of) Yeager, Bill
Gibson, Heather & Zaida Phillips, Bobby (family of) The York family
Gouge, Danny (family of) Phinney, Bud & Frances
Hamrick, Gary & Mimi Quandt, Penny & Denny