Bristol Methodist Church | ||
February 9, 2025 | (updated 2/9/2025, 8:32 a.m.) | |
FACEBOOK - BRISTOL METHODIST CHURCH | Prayer List | (recent additions = bold font:-: rotating off* light font) |
American Veterans | Hardin, Allie | Phinney, Bud & Frances |
Anderson, Alyson & Drake | Hardin, Luke | Plane Crash victims & families |
Arnett, Jack | Holland, Lamar | Potter, Jinker |
The Barineau family | Israel | Quandt, Penny & Denny |
Bowling, Shirley | Jackson, Debbie (unspoken) | Ratcliff, Kooper |
Bristol Methodist Church | Jackson, Helen | Scott, Bruce |
California wildfire victims | Jackson, Pastor John (unspoken) | Service Men & Women |
Carson, Myrlene | Kelly, Hughie | Shuler, Sandy |
Chambliss, Buffy (family of) | Kilpatrick, Greg | Sims, Josh |
Children’s Home Staffing | Land, Larry | Smart, Sonny (family of) |
Clark, Ellen | Leonard, Heather | Summers, Chris |
Council, Charlie | Lollie, Barbara & Truman | Summers, Greg & Pam |
Crain, Hunter | Lynch, Glenda | Syfrett, Karl & Vicky |
Cruz, Daniel | Maddox, Jeff | Syfrett, Otis |
Cumbie, Amber (family of) | Marshall, Marie | Syfrett, Wes & Joyce |
Curtis, Bill | McDaniel, Archer | Tolbert, Hattie |
Dean, Harold Rev. | McPherson, Angie | U.S.A. |
Dees, Lawrence | Missionaries | Walker, Tom |
Dunham, Taylor | Moffett, Dan (family of) | Walsingham, Brenda & Reed |
Dykes, Torbin | Moore, Cayson | Walsingham, Eric |
Enayati-Hunter, Terri | Moore, Tony | Waterman, Ron & Jacila |
Fant, Lois | Morrow, Pudge (family of) | Watts, Ben |
Flowers, Jeri | New Orleans terror victims | Watts, Brittany & Remi |
Foran, Alvin | Parrish, Luke | Watts, Chuck |
Foust, Wesley | Parrish, Ricky | Williams, Renee |
Geiger, Ada | Peddie, Robert | Wragg, Austin (family of) |
Geyer, Grant | Peddie, Casi | Wright, Connie |
Gibson, Heather & Zaida | Petersen, Bill Rev. (family of) | Yeager, Bill |
Hamrick, Gary & Mimi | Phillips, Bobby (family of) | The York family |